Thursday 6 June 2013

Strengths and Weakness of a Print Ads

The strengths and weakness of a print ad are analyse in this post.

Base on this research, the print ad used is billboard. It has the strength of targeting a selected group of consumers. Base on the culture, ethics, habits and lifestyle of the targeted consumer, billboards featuring advertisements that are of the consumer's interest, are placed around that particular geographically area. It is then likely that this product or service would attract the consumer's interest and thus make the advertisement a success.
On the other hand however, because the billboard are geographically static, it only targets those who use the roads often. Also, geographically, most billboards are found in urban areas, restricting the exposure of the ad towards the rural consumers.
In the case of master chef ads however, it is arguable that almost every household in the urban area has access to television comparatively to household in rural areas. So it would logical that the billboard is situated at the urban area.

Besides that, billboards has the strength of being able to convey the message to the mass audience at one go due to its large size. However, billboards that conveys a negative image run the risk of being an eyesore and this may lead to bad advertising.

Another strength of a billboard ad is that the advertiser is able to choose the size of the advertisement space. By deciding on a portrait or landscape billboard, it will greatly effect the communication of the message. For example, the milo ad below(figure 1) which portrays the pole vaulter sport so it billboard would be more effective if it is a portrait instead of a landscape format. At the same time, the landscape format billboard is suitable for the battleship movie ad(figure 2) as it shows the horizon of the sea, making the boat look intimidating which is what the advertisers wanted to communicate.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Malaysia is a tropical country has a hot and humid weather. Weather such heavy rain is a major problem to the billboard ad as it limits duration of communication to the consumer. Also, the materials used in a billboard has to be a good quality as the message would fade due to the hot and humid weather in Malaysia.

One of the weakness of billboards ads are you can't write a lot of copy in a billboard as a driver has only a few seconds to read the advertisement.  Also due to the short time the advertisement is being viewed, there is a low recall of the advertisement. Another weakness of print ads is that with all the advertisements on displayed, a particular ad may just get lost in the midst of all the other ads already on displayed. To be noticed by the audience, the billboard must therefore must have an impact.

In terms of budgets and prices, billboard has a greater advantage comparative to a TV commercial or a newspaper ad as it is relatively cheaper. Billboards are expose to the consumers 24 hours a day for an extension of period while newspaper ad only last for one day and TV commercial?-only 30 seconds the most. (Tendick, R.). Billboards are definitely more worth it.

Based on the strengths and weakness of a billboard, we would maintain the use of this medium; billboard, as the number of strengths overrides the number of weakness. We would avoid making the mistakes or overcome the weakness of a billboard made as mentioned above in our revamp master chef ads.

Reference (2012). Advantages and disadvantages of Print media. [online]. Available at:<> [Accessed 2 June 2013].

Tendick. R. (2007, July 31). The Many Benefits on Billboard Advertising. [online]. Available at : <> [Accessed 2 June 2013].

Media Miser Turning News into Knowledge.(2013). Strengths and limitations of various media. [online].  Available at: <> [Accessed 4 June 2013]

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